February 4, 2014

Rain day blahs.

I haven't done much "real" cooking the last few days. I did try the chocolate flavor of the Pillsbury Funfetti Donut bites... They were pretty good, and seem like they'd be fun to modify in different ways. Because of the large meals I made through the week, we've been eating leftovers to get the fridge ready for this week. Tonight I'm making spaghetti. Easy peasy.

Last night, I did make my sausage and potatoes, but I cheated and used the microwave for a lot of it.

(To make potatoes in the microwave, use a glass dish with glass lid, chunk up the potatoes, add a couple tablespoons of water, dot with butter, and sprinkle with seasonings... then microwave on high for 8 mins or so, until they are the desired firmness.)

I microwaved the potatoes with butter and Tastefully Simple's Rustic Seasoning. Then browned them in the skillet to add a little crust, and added the sausage. If you don't have the Rustic Seasoning, You can just substitute rosemary, thyme, garlic, salt, and pepper. It came out tasty, if not very pretty.

I did update the "about me" section, added a blog roll, and added a tab to my Tastefully Simple page... And hubs and I went to the vet to get medicine for our sick cat (bladder infection) and we went to the grocery store to pick up a few things for food this week (and spray cheese for the cat's pills). So there's that? But it's gloomy and rainy and I'm sleepy so I don't really feel like doing all that much today. So instead of home made sauce on the spaghetti, it'll be doctored up store brand, and instead of home made garlic bread, it'll be freezer stuff.

Also, spray cheese does not work for my cat and pills. She does not like it. So now I have a can of spray cheese. Good thing I have some crackers. We'll have some classy snacks this week.


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